Start your engine and burn that excess weight once and for all with these surefire metabolism boosters

Drink more water
When the researchers measured the metabolic rate of people before and after downing about 16 ounces of water, they found an increase in the ability to burn calories. The water had a lasting effect as well: Even after 30 minutes, drinkers have used 30% more calories than those who stayed dry.

Eat and sweat
You need to eat to get lean. Digesting food and absorbing and storing nutrients requires energy. Severely restrict calories consists return your metabolic rate. In addition, you starve your body eventually leads to break down muscle tissue to meet the energy needs, further lowering calorie burning. Stimulate burning by working just after a meal or substantial snack.

And eat again
Divide daily calories into three meals and two snacks. Research suggests men who eat more often throughout the day are leaner than those who eat meals at irregular hours.

Pack in the protein
Protein keeps you full longer. In addition, your body uses more calories digesting protein it break carbohydrates or fat. The high-quality protein from foods such as eggs, lean meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy ups as levels of leucine, an amino acid in your body, which is essential for maintaining muscle and burn calories.

Consider caffeine
A Harvard study of more than 19,000 men found those who received 200 milligrams of caffeine a day (the amount in four cans of cola or eight ounces of coffee) were less likely to gain weight over a period of 12 years those who did not. Caffeine helps stimulate the use of fat, especially during exercise.
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